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Springfield’s Finest Car Wash

Get What You Want, Pay for What You Get

your car

Oil change



Amazing Things for You

Always write benefits over features. Mention all the benefits or services with some real examples. Focus on how you can help and benefit your user. Use simple words so that you don’t confuse people. Say as much in as few words as possible. Speak directly to users using you not I or we.

Research results about a Car Wash in New England: CAR CARE CLUB

Everywhere you go, the world assaults your car

$6.99 for a lifetime* Membership in the Water Works Car Care Club!

Membership in this exclusive club means you can prolong the life of your car, keep it looking new, and pay no more for an extra wash when you drive through mud, salt, rain or snow! Your lifetime membership in the Car Care Club entitles you to exclusive benefits designed especially for Ohio drivers. Once you join, we’ll put a coded sticker on your car that identifies you as a club member * for as long as you own your car and qualifies you for these great features:

  • 24-Hour Rain/Snow Insurance
    Keep your Water Works receipts.* If it rains or snows within 24 hours of your last wash, come back within 1 day of the rain. We will give you another wash of equal value – FREE! That’s your rain check from us.
  • Frequent Wash Bonus Program
    This one is easy. For every 10 paid washes, you will receive one FREE Works Wash. Our best wash for our best customers. Our computer automatically tracks your paid visits, so enjoy a wash on us.
  • 4-Day Clean Car Guarantee
    Anytime you purchase The Executive or The Works, we will wash it again within 4 days of your original wash. Drive through any puddles, park under a flock of birds – we don’t care how you get it dirty. (Show your receipt* for guarantee.)
  • Free Birthday Bath
    It’s our gift to you! Visit us within one week of your birthday and receive a FREE Express Wash or $6.99 toward any wash.

*Rain/Snow Insurance and 4-Day Guarantee will not be extended regardless of weather. *It is the responsibility of the club member to ask for and keep wash receipts which must be presented at the time of Rain Insurance or 4-Day claim.

Joining the club is as easy as 1-2-3.

 Just click on the register now button below!

Car Care Club

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